So I've been reading Cosmos by Carl Sagan and he brought up a point that I haven't reflected on for a while: what does the existence of so many extinct species in the fossil record say about the notion of a God who was also Creator?
The fossil record seems to show many, many species who were once well-adapted to their environment but which became extinct when the environment changed, while newer better adapted species began to thrive in their place. Many interesting and beautiful species have come and lived on the earth for a million years and then utterly disappeared; many before man was here to observe them. If, as traditional Christianity claims, God is the creator and doesn't make mistakes, it's hard to square this with the appearance of such a trial and error creation process.
Forget about all the arguments about evolution and the origins of life. What does the simple fact of the fossil record say about the notion of God as creator? It's odd to think of God playing around with the lives and generations of millions and millions of sentient creatures and then discarding them on the ash heap of pre-history. This seems more in line with Deism and Evolution than with any traditional notions of God.
I'll close with a more sobering thought from Sagan: Is there any reason for us to think that humans as a species will not some day succumb to the same fate as the many, many species who have come before us? If so, why?
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
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WoW! Seems like your thought process has grown since we would debate religion and history in Mr. Biscologio's American History class in 11th grade. Of course that was over 20 years ago. Nice to know that you are still thinking big and deep. Hope all is well in your world.
Looks like your views may have progressed a little since we would debate religion and history in Mr. Biscoglio's American History class.
Of course that was over 20 years ago. Hope all is well in your world.
Chip (DiComo)
If we evolve from apes, how come there are still apes?
I'll give the benefit of the doubt and assume that Anonymous with questions about the existence of modern day apes is serious.
Anonymous, the theory of evolution does not infer that humans evolved from apes. It infers that humans and modern apes have a common ancestor. The reason that humans and modern day apes co-exist is the same reason that you and your 4th cousins co-exist.
For a good treatment of the subject in Christian literature see Francis Collins' (head of the human genome project) discussion in his book _The Language of God_. Collins is a good example of a Christian who has decided it's time to come out of the Dark Ages and look at the evidence.
There is no god, that's the damn answer. Evolution is undeniable and explains everything.
Your position about God being a creator who messes around with living things isn't really an accurate persepective on God at all. THe reson why there is death and suffering in the world is because of the fall. In His grace, He designed a plan of redemption that includes all of creation. Don't make the mistake of attributing the works of Satan to the works of God.
I have to ask a couple of clarifying questions:
1. How does one know what an accurate perspective on God is?
2. Are you saying that the reason that 98% of all the species who have ever lived are now extinct is because of Satan? What would cause you to think this?
3. Who created Satan?
4. If one being creates another being, isn't the first being directly responsible for the effects of the created being, especially if the first being is omniscient and has foreknowledge of the future?
why not ask why would God send his only son to die a horrible death? isn't THAT a horrible thing to do to your son? jsut like its horrible for him to "cause animals to be extcinct" Why? because he loved US. he sacrificed his only SON to make a payment for our sins, that came with the fall of man. (that is in Genisis by the way)
An accurate perspective? Well the Prophecies concerning Christ's life death, and resurection came true, so wouldn't that make the rest of what God say true also? There are many many more prophecies that have come true and will come true any time. And I would hate to be the one without God at that moment.
And if what the Bible says isn't true, then all the Christains are to be pitied amoung all because they believed the most and had faith in what they believed. If it isn't true then it was all useless. BUT if it is true, who are the rest of the world going to turn to? they have been telling the Christians they were wrong and snubbing God simply because they couldn't even try to understand God, they didn't seek him. Don't put God in a box, he won't ever FIT.
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